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Monthly Online Meetings: 7:15 pm on the first Wednesday of January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November:

Quarterly in-person Meetings: 7:15 pm on the third Wednesday of March, June and September and first Wednesday of December:

Board Meetings: 7:30 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month:

Passcode: OMG (all uppercase)

NOVA ASHI Officers, Directors, Committees, ASHI® Reps., and Chapter Documents

Chapter Officers: 2 year term maximum

President: Scott Biller (2026*)
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Dennis Pelczynsk (2025*)
Treasurer: Paul Tieche (2025*)

Imm Past Pres: Lou Scerbo

Directors: 3 year terms
(2026*) Mike Mallott
(2026*) Shane McClung
(2027*) Alex Aderton
(2027*) Tony Kelly

*(terms expire June 30 of the year stated)

Warden: Position Open


Membership:  Open
Membership drive:  Open

Educational Hour:  Open

Seminar / Event planner:  Open
Sponsors (seminar vendors):  Open

Public Relations:  Open

Bylaws:  Open

Monthly Messenger:

Mentoring:  Open

Nominating (3 most Imm Past Pres): Jim Vaughn, Tony Toth

Peer Review:  Open

Library:  Open

Website: Hollis Brown, Jim Vaughn, Open


American Society of Home Inspectors

Virginia Association of Real Estate Inspectors: Alex Aderton, Administrator

Chapter Documents

Chapter Bylaws